Top marks for animal welfare training

ANIMONDIAL Director Helen Usher delivering the Animal Welfare in Tourism Training at ABTA.

On 28th February 2018: Tour operators attending ABTA’s first “Animal Welfare in Tourism Training”, delivered in collaboration with ANIMONDIAL, have expressed it was a ‘very informative and enjoyable event’.

Aimed at travel businesses that sell tickets to animal attractions and wildlife viewing experiences, the training provided information and practical guidance on how to embed animal welfare awareness into all functions of the business.

Daniel Turner, Director of ANIMONDIAL, moderated the event, introduced the complex topic of ‘animals in tourism’ and provided attendees with detailed insight on how to improve animal welfare standards though tourism.

Helen Usher, Director of ANIMONDIAL, provided advice on communications around animal welfare and guidance on how to handle targeted campaigning and complaints.

Whilst ABTA introduced their Animal Welfare Guidelines and industry-wide actions to safeguard animal welfare.

Delegates welcomed ‘the opportunity for industry professionals to come together and share opinions, information and strategy on animal welfare’.

For more information on where to start with including animal welfare in your business and its operations, contact ANIMONDIAL

» Find out more about ABTA’s ‘Sustainable Travel’ event on 26 June.